Elemental Walks

Elemental Walks

"Elemental walks" is a series of generative artworks, published on Fxhash. June-July 2022



Elemental Walks I

"Elemental walks" is an exploration of the interaction and perception of two different systems. The generated double grid pattern transforms into a crowd of random walkers that move in a random but constrained way, forming a dynamic pattern. You can change the colour, pause, reset, slow down or speed up your walkers.

"r" to reset position or release the walkers
"p" to toggle pause/play
"-" to slow down
"+" for faster movement
's' save png
'j' save jpg

Click the canvas and the colour composition changes.

Edition of 50 Generative 1/1




Elemental Walks II 

"Elemental walks II" is an extended exploration of the interaction and perception of different systems. The generated double grid pattern, the first system, transforms into a crowd of random walkers, this second system moves in random but constrained ways, and with each movement a third system is generated: the texture.

Use the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 keys to switch between 5 states of movement within the dynamic pattern, you can pause ('p'), speed up ('+') or slow down ('-') the movement.

Click on the canvas and the colours change within the composition.

'r' to reset position or release the walkers
'p' to toggle pause/play

'1' for vertical movement
'2' for diagonal movement
'3' for horizontal movement
'4' for a second diagonal movement
'5' for vertical and horizontal movement

'-' to slow down
'+' for faster movement

's' save png
'j' save jpg

Edition of 96 Generative 1/1


Working period
2022-03-30 - 2022-07-24
First release date
Generative 1/1

linked artwork